I want to become the kind of Mommy who can cook, sew, create, entertain, and take care of my sweet baby in every sense of the word.

Creating this blog is just one way to hold myself accountable to make the time to create, cook, organize, better myself, and craft, and each day I will document it and post it for the world to see.

I am not your typical Mommy... I nurse in public * My baby does NOT sleep through the night * I can't fit back into my pre-pregnancy jeans (My baby is almost a year) * I make all of my own baby food * I get bored easily (and so does my baby) * I am doing it ALL om my own - My husband owns and operates a restaurant, so he works 7 days a week and is gone about 14 hours a day. ~also a key point when remembering that I don't know how to cook~... he's the chef, so he's either cooking for me, or bringing home food from the restaurant

Thursday, January 5, 2012


I LOVE Canvas pictures.  They are so expensive, but they look soooo good.  When I say DIY Canvas all over Pinterest, I knew I had to try it. 

Pretty easy.  All you need is:
  • pre-stretched canvas
  • a picture (same size as the canvas)
  • cute paper pre-cut to fit the sides of your canvas (a little but smaller)
  • Matte Mod Podge
  • Acrylic paint
  • a sponge
  • wax paper

Mod Podge the paper onto the edges
Cut your photo 1/8 inch on each side so it is a little bit smaller than the canvas
Mod podge the photo onto the canvas, let dry.
Cover the photo with mod podge.  It will look milky, but it will dry clear.
Use the sponge to dab the acrylic paint around all of the edges.
Let dry

That's it... so easy and amazing results

oh, and for dinner, how about Tomato Basil Soup with mini grilled cheese croutons