I want to become the kind of Mommy who can cook, sew, create, entertain, and take care of my sweet baby in every sense of the word.

Creating this blog is just one way to hold myself accountable to make the time to create, cook, organize, better myself, and craft, and each day I will document it and post it for the world to see.

I am not your typical Mommy... I nurse in public * My baby does NOT sleep through the night * I can't fit back into my pre-pregnancy jeans (My baby is almost a year) * I make all of my own baby food * I get bored easily (and so does my baby) * I am doing it ALL om my own - My husband owns and operates a restaurant, so he works 7 days a week and is gone about 14 hours a day. ~also a key point when remembering that I don't know how to cook~... he's the chef, so he's either cooking for me, or bringing home food from the restaurant

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Beat the HEAT!

For Arizona summers you have to be creative to work with the heat.  Here's a craft and snack for HOT Summer days.

This snack gives you energy without having to turn on the oven to heat up the already hot house!

No-Bake Energy Bites Recipe

What You Need
  • 1 cup (dry) oatmeal (I used old-fashioned oats)
  • 2/3 cup toasted coconut flakes
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup ground flaxseed or wheat germ
  • 1/2 cup chocolate chips (optional)
  • 1/3 cup honey (I recommend using local honey, helps with allergies)
  • 1 tsp. vanilla

Stir all ingredients together in a medium bowl until thoroughly mixed. Let chill in the refrigerator for half an hour. Once chilled, roll into balls of whatever size you would like. (Mine were about 1″ in diameter.) Store in an airtight container and keep refrigerated for up to 1 week.
Makes about 20-25 balls... YUM!

CRAYola Melt

This craft was inspired by PINTEREST, but instead of a hair dryer, I just put it out in the sun and let the AZ Heat do the work!

Simple... I hot glued crayons to a foam board.  I did a rainbow pattern, but you can do whatever you'd like. 

Then I put it out in the sun

At the bottom I added a "J" for Jaden and some jungle characters so I can display this in his room (also hot glued)

I was not prepared for how fast this process would go and when I went to check on it, not only was it all melted, but the crayon got on the animals... I still like it!

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