I want to become the kind of Mommy who can cook, sew, create, entertain, and take care of my sweet baby in every sense of the word.

Creating this blog is just one way to hold myself accountable to make the time to create, cook, organize, better myself, and craft, and each day I will document it and post it for the world to see.

I am not your typical Mommy... I nurse in public * My baby does NOT sleep through the night * I can't fit back into my pre-pregnancy jeans (My baby is almost a year) * I make all of my own baby food * I get bored easily (and so does my baby) * I am doing it ALL om my own - My husband owns and operates a restaurant, so he works 7 days a week and is gone about 14 hours a day. ~also a key point when remembering that I don't know how to cook~... he's the chef, so he's either cooking for me, or bringing home food from the restaurant

Friday, November 11, 2011

A new Day

Today has been a new day for Baby Jaden.  For the first time, he played by himself!  Wow... I can actually get something done?
AWESOME!  So I made him some healthy baby pancakes.  To my surprise I loved them as well and had a fantastic breakfast!

Wheat Banana Pancakes
1 cup whole wheat flower
3 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
3/4 cup of 2% milk
1/2 a banana

  • Combine all ingredients in a blender
  • Puree until you have the proper smoothness
  • Spray skillet with Olive Oil and cook half dollar sized pancakes over at 325 (medium heat in a frying pan) until golden brown.
  •  After breakfast Baby Jaden even watched a TV program on Baby First TV and actually sat and watched it for the first time.  AND possibly the most impressive, here's a picture of him brushing his teeth!  Such a little genius baby (10 months old)
  • and he has his home-made Kazoo.... This is a proud Mommy Day! 11-11-11

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